Unihertz, it’s Not Too Late to Save the Jelly Max!

But they MUST embrace LineageOS (IMO), regular updates matter

I can already hear the reviews of the upcoming Jelly Max in YouTube – “….a great phone, probably the best so far from Unihertz, but one you probably shouldn’t buy…”. It drives me crazy to know that’s coming, but it will, if Unihertz continues their track record of not supporting phones with at least security updates – if not entire major Android versions – for 2 or 3 years minimum after release. It doesn’t have to be this way!

The Max has a lot going for it. It’s a reasonable size, which gets you fans right out of the gate – first a perfect screen size at 5″. Everyone else is …

Maniac is a nearly perfect game for just $5

If you don’t mind excessive violence and a few input glitches, this game is an absolute gem

Maniac by Transhuman Design immediately reminded me of a conversation with my friend Murray about the GTAIII-era games back in the early aughts. He described one of the GTA games as his ‘favorite murder simulator’. Seeing how violent many games have gotten in the last few decades, Maniac may not actually stand out all that much of its level of blood ‘n guts, especially with its top-down perspective and cartoony graphics. What does stand out is how much fun it is, even with in the first minute of firing it up.

[Minor spoilers for post-game unlocks below]

Maniac title screen


The premise …

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